Faculty Profile: Eric Schuchardt

Eric Schuchardt

Eric Schuchardt expanded his role in DPLA by becoming a full-time faculty associate in the department this past fall. For the past seven years, Eric has led the Landscape Architecture Capstone course while also working full time for the design firm, SmithGroup JJR. In his new position, Eric will continue leading the Capstone course, and will teach additional courses including Regional Design course. Eric’s past design projects include work on the UW-Madison Alumni Park, the Campus Master Plan (from which he received an ASLA honors award), and the historic Jackson Park in Chicago. Like much of his teaching, his professional design work has focused on integrating topics of resiliency, equitable access, ecology and beauty into the design process.

In addition to his fall courses, Schuchardt presented to the Cross-College Advising Service to spread the word about our LA programs. He also organized student visits to the design firms of OLIN, Groundswell, and David Rubin Land Collective, during ASLA’s trip to Philadelphia for the ASLA Annual Meeting and EXPO. In the spring, Professor Schuchardt will teach the Pre-Workshop course for Urban & Regional Planning graduate students, the Open Space Design Studio course, and the Landscape Architecture Capstone course.  He is very happy to be in this department and is excited about all the new opportunities provided by the two departments merging. Keep up with Eric here: https://dpla.wisc.edu/facstaff/faculty/schuchardt