DPLA Events

Reunion, Tishler Lecture and Dialogue & Kaufman Lab Event


Please join us on Saturday, September 28th, 2024, for a DPLA alumni reunion & event on the UW–Madison campus.

Event Highlights:

Local Tours by DPLA Alumni and Partners

Pizza Lunch Kaufman Lab 10th Anniversary Panel in the Studio (details will be listed in your registration confirmation)

Evening Networking Event and Alumni Reception including the Tishler Lecture and Dialogue–This year, Jason Valerius will give the lecture, and the dialog will be provided by Brenda Williams, Sonja Krussel, and Ken Saiki, Saturday, September 28th at the Pyle Center on the UW-Madison campus:

5:00pm – 7:30pm Evening Networking Event and Alumni Reception [Heavy hors d’oeuvres] Pyle Center – Lee Lounge and Courtyard space

7:30pm – 9:00pm Tishler Lecture and Dialogue — Alumni Lounge

  RSVP Here


Ticket pricing: $60/person, $30/student meal sponsorship, free for current students

Look for more information to come in social media and by email.

Event sponsorship in the registration form! Please contact us at info@dpla.wisc.edu, if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance for your support of the department!

Event sponsorship levels: 

PLA Champion $500

Studio Supporter $250

Workshop Wizard $100

Sponsor a Student $30


Register for Tours and Pizza Lunch Here

  • Ed Lee from the Urban League will provide a tour of the new Black Business Hub.  The BBH is an economic ecosystem with more supports for small business development than any other building in the state. The Black Business Hub is 2352 South Park St.
    • Saturday, 9/28 from 9:00 – 10:30am
  • CANCELLED–Justice Castaneda will lead a tour of Commonwealth’s business incubator facilities.
  • Sebastian Hassell and Paul Huber from Rooted, and Nathan Larson from DPLA will provide a tour of Troy Gardens – Jerry Kaufman was instrumental in planning and executing that project in the late 1990s.
    • Saturday, 9/28 from 9:00 – 10:30/10:45am
  • Professor Anna Bierbrauer will lead a tour of the Monona redeevelopment project with attention to the proposed design, the project status, and the challenges Sasaki has discussed regarding lakefront conditions, transportation needs, and access to the site.
    • Saturday, 9/28 from 10:00am – 12:00pm
  • And a pizza lunch and panel celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Kaufman Lab (location & details to be listed in your registration confirmation).
    • Saturday, 9/28 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm