Whether you are a current student, a graduate, or a prospective employer, PLA is your key resource for information and assistance to connect with Planners and Landscape Architects locally, nationally, and globally.
Students work with their advisors and the University faculty to ensure success in today’s employment market.
Alumni have a variety of rewarding opportunities to stay connected with LA, URPL, and current students. URPL and LA graduates hold important positions in international organizations; academic institutions; federal, state, and local government agencies; private industry; and nonprofit and community organizations. They are an invaluable resource for students in the development of their careers. View PLA’s alumni boards here.
What is Planning? Or, what is planning?
What is Landscape Architecture?
Why choose the Planning Profession?
What careers are available for Planners?
What careers are available for Landscape Architects?
How did professionals in the field become interested in planning? (YouTube video by the American Planning Association)
What jobs do students seek after graduation?
Students are hired for positions in various departments of local, state and federal government, higher education, non-profits organizations, and private consulting firms. They work as transportation planners, community development coordinators, regional planners, economic development specialists, food system planners, environmental planners, land use planners, comprehensive plan project managers, non-profit directors, and in many other capacities.
Employment Information
Graduates have successful careers in the federal government, state and local governments, nonprofit arena, and private sector. The key to securing a job after graduation lies in the networks formed while in school through conferences, the URPL internship experience, and other events. In addition, current students can read an evaluation of past student internship experiences in the URPL Library to generate ideas of where to look for an internship and the duties of each position. Also, student advisors, who cultivate close relationships with professional planners and landscape architects both locally in the Madison-area and around the world, are another potential resource for employment information. Be sure to check our Job Board for internships and jobs all around the United States!