Community Design and Planning Services 2017-2018 Capstone Project Announcement

The Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Wisconsin – Madison is proud to continue its long history of design and planning outreach, and we are currently pursuing opportunities for service projects to be considered for the 2017-2018 Senior Capstone Project. Most design and planning projects fall within downtown/urban redevelopments, community/town master plans and park master plans. Projects take place from September to May and will be completed by the student, guided by an advisory group from the host community/organization, and supervised by faculty. In every project each students analyzes, plans and designs at 3 scales: the site scale (about the size of 2-3 city blocks), the master plan scale (from 8 to 20 city blocks- Neighborhood) and the regional scale (scale of a city to a county). Keep in mind each of these scales is flexible with each project.

Please see the attached 2017-2018 Capstone application and examples of a Capstone project in latest issue of Contour. Other communities and organizations that may be interested in in the Capstone project should contact Eric Schuchardt for more information.
Application Deadline: August 12th, 2017
Applicant Notification: September 9th, 2017