Paid Research Study: Graduate Student Well-Being



We are researchers from Rowan University. We are asking for your help in better understanding relationships among drinking-related experiences, stressors, coping strategies, health behaviors and overall well-being for individuals in graduate education. We are looking for individuals to participate in our two-part online study (one initial survey and one one-month follow up survey). Your participation will help identify effective ways to help reduce excessive alcohol consumption in graduate students. Additionally, for your participation you will receive a $16 gift card.


To participate you must be:

1)    Currently enrolled a graduate degree-granting program

2)    At least 18 years old

3)    Cis-gender

4)    US citizen

5)    Meet criteria for heavy drinking (drink 4/5+ drinks on one occasion for females/males)

6)    Report at least one alcohol-related consequence in the past month


Participation is voluntary and your answers will be kept confidential.  


This project has been approved by the Rowan University IRB (Study #PRO-2023-29).


Click on the link below to learn more or to begin. The initial survey will take approximately thirty minutes. You can also email us with any questions you have.


Thanks so much for considering to be a part of this study!


Link to begin study: 


If you have any questions, you may contact the CO-Principal Investigator: Faith Shank (