Research survey on how international students and TAs adjust in US universities

PARTICIPANTS NEEDED: Survey on How International Students and Teaching Assistants adjust in U.S. universities

Catherine Mutho Don,

My name is Catherine Don, a graduate student of Applied Communication Studies is inviting you to participate in this research study.

The title of this study is How international students and teaching assistants adjust and faculty accommodate them in U.S. universities through Communication Accommodation Theory. The purpose of this study is to investigate the communication dynamics in the adjustment on international students and teaching assistants in U.S. universities. The research aims to explore how faculty members, through the lens of Communication Accommodation Theory, contribute to the adaptation experiences of international students and teaching assistants. The study seeks to identity and analyze the communication accommodation strategies employed by faculty members, understand the challenges faced by international students and teaching assistants, and assess the overall impact of these strategies on cross-cultural communication within the U.S. higher education context.

This study has been approved by the Institutional Review board of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville under approval number #2436 on Thursday, February 29, 2024.

Your participation in this study is anonymous and will involve you completing an online survey asking you to answer questions about demographic information, communication accommodation strategies, adjustment strategies, and perceptions of accommodation. This will only take 10-15minutes to complete.

Please note that the risks to you as a participant are none. Participation in this study will NOT benefit. Participation in this study will not benefit you directly. Your participation will benefit others by giving information that will be necessary to the success of the research through assessing the overall impact of these strategies on cross-cultural communication within the U.S. higher education context.

You can choose not to participate. If you decide not to participate, there will not be a penalty to you. You may withdraw from this study at any time.

If you have questions about this research study, you can email Catherine Don at If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you can call the SIUE Institutional Review Board at 618-650-3010 or email at

·         To take the survey, use this link: