The Biology Core Curriculum is now accepting applications from graduate students who are interested in lecture or laboratory teaching assistantships in Evolution, Ecology, and Genetics (Biocore 381/382) or Principles of Physiology (Biocore 485/486) for Fall semester 2024. Appointments may be from 33.4% to 50% of full time, depending on the candidate’s other appointments and the number of discussion sections or labs taught. Candidates interested in Biocore 381/382 should have strong backgrounds in genetics and ecology. Candidates interested in Biocore 485/486 should have familiarity with anatomy and physiology of plants and animals.
For further information about the Biocore Program and these courses see The Biocore teaching assistant application is attached to this email and is also available on the Biocore website ( Contact Dr. Heidi Horn, Associate Director, or Carol Borcherding, Administrative Manager, if you have any questions regarding these Teaching Assistant opportunities. Send completed application materials to Carol Borcherding ( – Deadline for application is Monday, April 8, 2024.