Aslıgül Göçmen
Position title: Geography/Environmental Studies
Phone: (608) 265.0789
202 Music Hall
Professor Aslıgül Göçmen’s primary research and teaching interests are in the areas of environmental land use planning, urban environmental sustainability, the role of planners in promoting environmental stewardship, and GIS in urban and environmental planning.
Aslı’s current research program contributes to the broader questions of the relationship between land development and environmental performance, and the effectiveness of policies, processes, and plans in helping create environmentally sustainable (urbanized) landscapes. A central theme in her work is the importance of stakeholders and understanding human dimensions (i.e., the values, attitudes, knowledge, and practices of stakeholders) about environmental sustainability and alternative residential development patterns and how these human dimensions influence land development patterns. Her current research projects include an investigation of planner and plan commissioners’ perspectives on environmentally sustainable residential development and an examination of conservation subdivisions for wildlife habitat connectivity and other ecosystem services. Her work has been featured in significant journals including Journal of the American Planning Association, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Landscape and Urban Planning, and Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Aslı typically teaches URPL 841 Planning for the Ecological City and URPL 622 GIS for Planners. She has held a joint appointment at DPLA and UW Extension’s Community, Natural Resources, and Economic Development Program as a GIS specialist.
Professor Aslı (pronounced as: äsla) Göçmen received a PhD degree in Urban, Technological, and Environmental Planning at the University of Michigan in 2006. She holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in planning from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, and the University of Cincinnati respectively. She has practiced professionally as a planner and GIS specialist in local and regional planning offices in the metropolitan Cincinnati area.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2016. Web-based GIS: Experience and Perspectives from Planners and Implications for Extension Professionals. Journal of Extension. 54 (6).
Göçmen, Z. A. and J. A. LaGro. 2016. Assessing Local Planning Capacity to Promote Environmentally Sustainable Residential Development. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 59 (8): 1513-1535.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2016. Conservation Subdivision Design. Considerations on Common Perceptions. UW Extension – Cooperative Extension Publishing. G3307-01.
Göçmen, A., J. Martindale, and A. Jacobson. 2015. Some Hings on Using American FactFinder and TIGER for Geospatial Census Analysis. Extension Report 15-02. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin- Madison / Extension.
Göçmen, Z. A. and A. Levine. 2015. Strategies to Facilitate the Implementation of Conservation Subdivisions: A Case Study of Communities of Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Extension Working Paper 15-04. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin- Madison / Extension.
Göçmen, A. and P. Rynish. (eds.) 2015. Web-based GIS Applications for Planners: A Practical Reference (2nd volume). Extension Report 15-01. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin- Madison / Extension.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2014. Exploring Land Developer Perspectives on Conservation Subdivision Design and Environmentally Sustainable Land Development. Environmental Management. 54 (5): 1208-1222.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2014. Assessing the Environmental Merits of Conservation Subdivision Design. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 34 (2): 203-220.
Göçmen, Z. A., A. Jacobson, and K. Van Gilder. (eds.) 2014. A Handbook of Web-based Environmental Geospatial Data for Wisconsin’s Planners (3rd volume). Extension Report 14-04. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin – Madison / Extension.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2013. GIS Use in Public Planning Agencies: Extension Opportunities. Journal of Extension. 51 (4).
Göçmen, A., Jacobson, A., and K. Van Gilder (eds.) 2013. A Handbook of Web-based Environmental Geospatial Data for Wisconsin’s Planners, 2nd edition. Extension Report: 13-02. University of Wisconsin–Madison / Extension.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2013. Barriers to Successful Implementation of Conservation Subdivisions Design: A Closer Look at Land Use Regulations and Subdivision Permitting Process. Landscape and Urban Planning. 110: 123-133. Linked at:
Göçmen, A. and A. Levine. (eds.) 2012. Web-based GIS Applications for Planners: A Practical Reference. Extension Report 12-02. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin – Madision / Extension.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2011. A New GIS-based Toolkit to Help Planners and Developers with Sustainable Land Planning. Land Use Tracker. 11 (3): 5-6.
Göçmen, Z. A. and J. Gao. 2011. Assisting with Ecological Land Planning: Introducing the Conservation Subdivision Ecological Design and Site Assessment Toolkit. Journal of Extension. 49 (4).
Prokopy, L. S, Göçmen, Z. A., Gao, J., Allred, S. B., Bonnell, J. E., Genskow, K., Molloy, A. and R. Power. 2011. Incorporating Social Context Variables into Paired Watershed Designs to Test Nonpoint Source Program Effectiveness. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 47 (1): 196-202. Linked at:
Göçmen, Z. A. and S. J. Ventura (2010). Barriers to GIS use in Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association. 76(2): 172-183
Göçmen, Z. A. and K. Van Gilder (eds.) 2010. A Handbook of Web-based Environmental Geospatial Data for Wisconsin’s Planners. University of Wisconsin–Madison / Extension.
Göçmen, Z. A., Ventura S. J., and A. Seeboth. 2010. Geospatial Data Issues in Wisconsin Public Planning Agencies. Cooperative Extension Publications. G3872-03.
Göçmen, Z. A., Ventura S. J., and A. Seeboth. 2009. GIS Training: A Guide for Wisconsin Public Planning Agencies. Cooperative Extension Publications. G3872-02.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2009. GIS Use in Planning in Wisconsin’s Public Agencies. Proceedings of the International Conference of Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2009. Relationships between Residential Development and the Environment: Examining Resident Perspectives. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 29(1): 54-66.
Göçmen, Z. A., Ventura, S. J, and A. Seeboth. 2008. GIS Use in Wisconsin’s Public Planning Agencies. Cooperative Extension Publications. G3872-01.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2007. Mapping (Census Data) Using ArcGIS. Perspectives on Planning, 7 (2): 1-6. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin–Madison / Extension.
Göçmen, Z. A. 2007. “Accessing and Visualizing Census Data Using ArcGIS.” Perspectives on Planning, 7 (1).
Göçmen, Z. A., Glazer, T. N., Levine, J., and S. Underwood. 2000. Job Express: Employers’ Perspectives. Working Paper. Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory, University of Michigan.
Conservation Subdivisions in Southeastern Wisconsin
Aslı is leading an investigation on the landscape structure of open spaces in conservation subdivisions and ecosystem services achieved through the design. This work builds on a comprehensive and comparative study, which examined land conservation practices in conservation and conventional subdivisions built in Waukesha County, WI between 1990-2005. Earlier, her research team has developed a GIS-based toolkit to help design and assess conservation subdivisions. The toolkit is available at no cost to interested planners and developers at the following link: Download GIS-Based Toolkit
Planner Perspectives on and Planning Capacity for Environmental Sustainability
Aslı’s recent research focuses on understanding perspectives of and barriers to environmental sustainability. In two separate studies, she finds a lack of understanding of the environmental impacts of different land development patterns among planners and is in the process of designing a national study to examine stakeholder attitudes, knowledge, and practices concerning environmental sustainability.
URPL 622: GIS for Planners
This course introduces students to the broad theoretical and conceptual background of GIS and GIScience; explores planning-related GIS data, analytical tools, and issues; and gives students basic, hands-on experience using GIS software.
URPL 841: Planning for the Ecological City
This course is designed to familiarize students with ecological processes; strategies for “designing with nature”; planning responses to environmental problems in the United States; and geospatial environmental data and technologies in order to analyze issues related to ecological land development.
URPL 590: Planning for Resilience to Natural Hazards
This course explores the theoretical underpinnings for hazard mitigation and disaster recovery, as well as planning approaches to increase resilience to natural hazards.