Restoration Ecology Courses for the BS Landscape Studies

College and University Requirements (35 -39 cr)

Comm A (3 cr) Comm B (3 cr)
Math 112 and 113, or 114 (5cr)
Math 211, 221, or Stats 301 (3-5 cr) Ethnic St(3 cr)
First-year seminar
Geog 127 (5 cr) (counts as Intl St Req.)
Chem 103, 108, or 109 (4-5 cr)
Botany 130 or 100 + 2 (5 cr)
Botany 260, 455, or 460 (3-4 cr)


Core Curriculum: (33 – 35 cr)

LA 201 (Introductory Landscape Architecture Studio) (2 cr)
LA 250 (Survey of Landscape Architecture Design) (3 cr)
LA 260 (History of Landscape Architecture) (3 cr)
LA 262 (Landscape Inventory and Evaluation Methods) (4 cr)
LA 695 (Application of Geographic Systems in Landscape Architecture)
or URPL 622 (Application of Geographic Systems in Planning) (3 cr)
Soils 301(General Soil Science) (4 cr) or Soils 230 (Soil: Ecosystem and Resource) (3 cr)
Hist 460 (American Environmental History) (4 cr) or Art HIst 457 (History of American Vernacular Architecture and Landscapes (3 cr)
URPL/LA 463 (Evolution of American Planning) (3 cr)
URPL 601 (Site Planning) (3 cr)
Capstone: LA 691(Senior Thesis (3 cr)
Three, LA 1-credit 375 courses (3 cr) or equiv as determined by advisor


Specialization: Ecological Restoration (21-22 cr)

LA 353 (Landscape Architecture Technology I) (3 cr)
LA 666 (Restoration Ecology) (3 cr)
Botany 455 (Vegetation of Wisconsin) (4 cr)
Botany 400 (Plant Systematics) or 401 (Vascular Flora of Wisconsin) (4 cr)
Envir Studies 651 (Conservation Biology) (3 cr), Geog 339 (Environmental Conservation) (4 cr), or Envir. St. 360 (Extinction of Species) (3cr)
Agronomy 370 (Grassland Ecology) or LA 361 (Wetlands Ecology), and Soils 323 (Soil Biology) or Zoo 315 (Limnology—Conservation of Aquatic Resources) (3cr)
LA 399 or 699 (Field-based Independent Study or Internship) (1 cr)


General Electives (24-31cr)

Restoration students are encouraged to select Botany 130, Botany 460 and Stats 301 or equivalent under College and University requirements.