The University of Wisconsin-Madison is one of the leading centers of research into the preservation, restoration, and management of native plant communities. The Landscape Architecture program at UW was one of the first academic programs in the nation to offer a specialty in restoration ecology. The University has a wide variety of courses that cover plant, animal, and ecosystem ecology, as well as the social, political, legal, and humanistic aspects of environmental issues.
Faculty Pages
David Bart
Evelyn Howell
Courses for this Program:
LA 651: Plant Community Restoration and Management Workshop
LA 866: Seminar in Natural Plant Community Restoration and Management
The fields of ecology and environmental studies have long been major strengths of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, a statewide system of natural areas and a network of ecosystem restorations, including several on campus, provide research opportunities, as well as practical hands-on experience for students. The world-renowned University of Wisconsin Arboretum in Madison, the site of several long-established ecosystem restorations, including the Curtis Prairie which is the world’s oldest ecologically-restored prairie, is a particularly valuable resource for our students.
Examples of recent studies from both our students and faculty include:
- Evaluations of the effects of timing of prescribed burns and/or managed grazing in grasslands and oak woodlands
- Investigations of invasive species, as well as of rare or endangered species
- Evaluations of mowing regimes or managed grazing as substitutions for burning in grasslands
- Investigations of the use of native plant community remnants as models for restoration plans
- Evaluations of various restoration techniques, including relay floristics, seeding rates, and canopy removal programs
- Mapping and exploring the spatial distributions of grassland remnants and species
Many studies are conducted with the support of, or in partnership with, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the National Park Service, and with non-profit agencies such as The Nature Conservancy.
Restoration ecology is an exciting and promising approach to the conservation of native species, natural communities, and ecosystems, which in turn, contributes to biodiversity and the overall health of our planet. This program prepares students for careers in preservation, restoration, and management of native plant communities in both the private and public sectors.
One of the department’s ecological design interests is in “natural landscaping” — the use of native species in urban settings such as schools, office parks, storm water basins, roadsides, etc. Recent projects include:
- Working with parents, teachers, and students at several area elementary schools to create nature adventure playgrounds and prairie plantings on the school grounds.
- Working with community members to create natural plantings in neighborhood parks or in storm-water basins.
- Incorporating native prairie plants onto green roofs
Required and recommended courses coming soon!