Restoration Ecology and Ecological Design Graduate Student Track

Background Course Requirements (or equivalents)-taken prior to admission or in addition to minimum requirements

  • General Botany (Botany 100 or 130)
  • General Ecology (Botany 460 or 455)
  • Plant ID (Botany 400, or similar taxonomic/systematics course)
  • Site Inventory/Analysis (LA 262)
  • Soils (Soils 301)

Graduate Core (all) (8-9cr.)

  • LA 710/720: Theory (3cr. each)
  • LA 740: Research Methods (3cr.)
  • LA 940: Colloquium (has to be taken twice (2-3cr.)

Track Core Requirements (all) (7-8cr.)

  • LA 668: Restoration Ecology (3cr.)
  • LA 651: Vegetation Management of Natural Systems (3cr.)
  • LA 866: Restoration Ecology Seminar (1-2cr.)

Tools (all or demonstrated proficiency) (9cr.)

  • Statistics (Stats 571 and 572, 301)
  • GIS Applications to Natural Resource Management (LA 695)
  • Field Methods (LA 361 (Wetlands Ecology), BOT 451, other field methods)

Supplemental Options (at least one course in 2 of the following areas 6cr.)

  • Human-Environmental Interactions (C&E Soc 357, Geography 332, 329, 434; F&W ECOL 652; LA 375 (Special Topics Class); Soils 575)
  • Physical Environments (Soils 305, 323, 499; Climate Change)
  • Advanced GIS
  • Ecology (Agroecology; Botany 400, 401, 402, 403, 455, 466, 474, 500; Entomology 302, 473; F&W ECOL 318, 379, 360, 371, 550, 561, 565, 879; LA 375 (Invasive Species Ecology); ZOOL 504, 520)
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering 310, 311, 315

Students may propose substitutions if demonstrated to be similar equivalents or integral to a specific and unique graduate study. Numerous departments have special topics courses every semester. If one is of interest and fits into your program you may discuss a possible substitution with your advisor and committee.

Thesis/Research Study (MS) (5cr.)
Total credits: 36