Typical Landscape Architecture Graduate Courses
Courses in the 300 and upper levels of the undergraduate curriculum may be taken for graduate credit.
Core Courses
LA 710 (2cr) Theories of Landscape Change Theories of landscape change in the arts and sciences. Contributions of the scientific method and humanistic frameworks to major issues in the design, planning, and management of landscapes. |
LA 720 (2 cr) Critical Inquiry in Landscape Architecture Normative design theory as it relates to historical and contemporary aesthetic expression in landscape design. Review of critical theory and meaning associated with a broad landscape architecture philosophy. |
LA 740 (3 cr) Research Methods in Landscape Studies Provides graduate students in landscape-related studies with: 1) Grounding in the fundamentals of research design and 2) Exposure to the variety of methods and approaches used in contemporary landscape research. |
LA 940 (1 cr) (needs to be taken three semesters) Graduate Seminar An open forum for the exchange of research designs and topics within the scope of landscape studies, and for the development of individual research plans through presentation and criticism. |
Other Graduate Level Courses Offered
LA 361 (3 cr) Wetlands Ecology Types, origins, settings, and structure of wetlands. Physical, biological, and cultural values, uses, and assessments. Physical and biological characteristics and dynamics. Protection, management, and restoration. Field trips, literature review, term paper, and personal observations required. |
LA/FOREST/ZOOLOGY 565 (2 cr) Principles of Landscape Ecology Explores the principles of landscape ecology as a framework for landscape research, analysis and management. Landscape ecology provides new approaches to fundamental research questions in ecology, as well as new approaches to forest and resource management that consider ecosystem processes at larger spatial and temporal scales. |
LA 651 (4 cr) Plant Community Restoration and Management Workshop Formulation of plant community restoration and management plans; including the preparation of planting plans and working drawings for implementation. Classroom and practical exposure to natural areas management tools, including prescription fire. |
LA 654/URPL 598 (3 cr) Aesthetic Assessment of Landscapes Survey of methods associated with assessing the scenic quality of rural landscapes. |
LA 668 (3 cr) Restoration Ecology The theory and practice of restoration ecology and examination of the current opportunities, challenges, and controversies that underlie the field. Emphasis on the selection of community models, site inventory and analysis, problem/project definition, and restoration implementation, monitoring, and management techniques. Application of current knowledge in restoration and management of native plant communities. Lectures, discussions, readings, field trips, and in-and-out-of-class activities, including creating a restoration plan for a real site. |
LA 667 (3 cr) Field Study: Native Plant Communities (Intersession Only) Field analysis and interpretation of the composition, aesthetic quality and effects of disturbance within a variety of native Wisconsin plant communities. Field work, readings, and discussions. |
LA 677 (3 cr) Cultural Resource Preservation and Landscape History A survey of cultural resource preservation, landscape history, and approaches to a more comprehensive framework for environmental management. |
LA 695 (3 cr) Applications of Geographic Information Systems in the Natural Resources Course has four components: 1) Detailed review of GIS concepts; 2) Case studies; 3) GIS implementation methods; 4) Laboratory to provide “hands-on” GIS experience. |
LA 699 (3 cr) Designing Healthy Communities This course is a graduate seminar with an emphasis on sustainable community design and design principles aimed at promoting people’s health and wellbeing. Contemporary human health and wellbeing issues will be discussed as they relate to the quality of the physical environment at various scales and through a historical lens. We will focus on healthy living in terms of everyday urban settings that promote physical activity, provide access to healthy food, offer restorative and therapeutic qualities, and encourage healthy social interaction. |
LA 866 (1 cr) Seminar in Natural Plant Community Restoration and Management Student presentations on topics related to plant community management and restoration. |
LA 990 (1-12 cr) Research Credits |
LA 999 (1-3 cr) Independent Studies Opportunity to explore concepts or issues of particular interest to the student |