Selected Publications
J.Silbernagel. in review. Conservation GIS: Geospatial Approaches for Environmental Applications. E-book, Esri Press.
Senner et al. in review. Changes in Avian Community Composition at a Restored Floodplain Grassland in the Mekong Delta. Waterbirds.
Bolliger, J.; Silbernagel, J. 2020. Contribution of Connectivity Assessments to Green Infrastructure (GI). ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 9, 212. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi9040212
Zhou, S.; Kan, P.; Silbernagel, J; Jin, J. 2020. Application of Image Segmentation in Surface Water Extraction of Freshwater Lakes using Radar Data. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 9, 424. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi9070424
Sullender, B.K., J.Barzen, and J.Silbernagel. 2020. Effects of Seasonal Hydrological Connectivity on Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia Foraging Ecology. SIS Conservation 2 XX-XX.
Eanes, F., J.Silbernagel, et al. 2019. Interactive Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives for Landscape Conservation and Public Engagement. Landscape Journal vol. 38 no. 1-2 7-24. doi: 10.3368/lj.38.1-2.7
Li, Yankou, F.Qian; J.Silbernagel; H.Larson. 2019. published. Community structure, abundance variation and population trends of waterbirds in relation to water level fluctuation in Poyang Lake. J. Great Lakes Research. Vol.45 (5), p.976-985.
Pfeiffer,V., J.Silbernagel, C.Guedot, and J.Zalapa. 2019. Woodland and floral richness boost bumble bee density in cranberry resource pulse landscapes. Landscape ecology, Vol.34 (5), p.979-996. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-019-00810-1
Eanes, F., J.Silbernagel, et al. 2018. Participatory mobile- and web-based tools for eliciting landscape knowledge and perspectives: introducing and evaluating the Wisconsin Geotools Project. J.Coastal Conservation. Vol.22 (2), p.399-416., F. P.Robinson, J.Silbernagel. 2018. Effects of scale and the biophysical environment on sense of place in northeastern Wisconsin’s bioregions. Human Ecology Review. Vol.24 (1), p.71-96. DOI: 10.22459/HER.24.01.2018.04
Sullender, B., J.Barzen, and J.Silbernagel. 2016. Characteristics of Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) Foraging Habitat at Poyang Lake, China. Waterbirds 39(4):356-364. doi:10.1675/063.039.0405.
Price, J., Silbernagel, J. Nixon, K., Swearingen, A., Swaty, R. and N.Miller. 2015. Collaborative scenario modeling reveals potential advantages of blending strategies to achieve conservation goals in a working forest landscape. Landscape Ecology, 31(5):1093-1115. doi:10.1007/s10980-015-0321-2
Silbernagel, J., Host, G., Hagley, C., Fortner, R., Axler, R., Danz, N. Hart, D., Axler, M., and A.Drewes. 2015. Linking place-based science to people through spatial narratives of coastal stewardship. Journal of Coastal Conservation, April, 19(2):181-198. doi:10.1007/s11852-015-0380-1.
Bürgi, M., Silbernagel, J., Wu, J., Keinast, F. 2015. Linking ecosystem services with landscape history. Landscape Ecology, 30(1):11-20. doi: 10.1007/s10980-014-0102-3
Nixon, K. J.Silbernagel, J.Price, N.Miller, and R.Swaty. 2014. Habitat availability for multiple avian species under modeled alternative conservation strategies for the Two Hearted River Watershed in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, USA. Journal of Nature Conservation. 22( 4):302–317. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2014.02.005
Smith,V., R. Greene, and J. Silbernagel. 2013. The social and spatial dynamics of community food production: A landscape approach to policy and program development. Landscape Ecology. 28(7):1415-1426. doi:10.1007/s10980-013-9891-z
Drewes, A. and J. Silbernagel. 2012. Defining the spatial dynamics of wild rice landscapes for community-based conservation. Ecological Modeling. 229:97-107.doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.09.015.
Price, J., J. Silbernagel, N.Miller, R.Swaty, M.White, K.Nixon. 2012. Eliciting expert knowledge to inform landscape modeling of conservation scenarios. Ecological Modeling. 229:76-87. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.09.010.
Silbernagel, J., J. Price, R. Swaty, and N. Miller. 2011. The Next Frontier: Assessing Forest Conservation Strategy Effectiveness. In: Landscape Ecology and Forest Management: Challenges and Solutions in a Changing Globe, (ed.s Chao Li, R. Lafortezza, & J. Chen), Springer.
Natori,Y., J.Silbernagel and M.S.Adams 2011. Biodiversity Conservation Planning in Rural Landscapes in Japan: Integration of Ecological and Visual Perspectives. In: Research in Biodiversity – Models and Applications, (Ed. Igor Ya.Pavlinov), ISBN: 978-953-307-794-9, InTech, Available from:
Silbernagel, J., L. Yang, W. Xu. 2009. Strategies for landscape recovery and Giant Panda conservation in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake region, PR China. Paper for Society for Conservation Biology meeting, Beijing, July.
Hannah Larson, Annemarie Schneider, Su Haijun, Sun Xijiao, Fengshan Li, Janet Silbernagel. in prep. Influence of land cover and lake level change on black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) habitat at Caohai Lake, China. Waterbirds.
Li, Yankou, F.Qian; J.Silbernagel; H.Larson. published. Community structure, abundance variation and population trends of waterbirds in relation to water level fluctuation in Poyang Lake. J. Great Lakes Research.
Bolliger, J., V.Pfeiffer, and J.Silbernagel. in revision. How functionally informed are connectivity assessments? IJGI.
Pfeiffer,V., J.Silbernagel, C.Guedot, and J.Zalapa. 2019. Floral richness boosts bumble bee colony density during resource pulse in cranberry landscapes. Landscape Ecology.
Eanes, F., J.Silbernagel, et al. 2018. in review. Participatory mobile- and web-based tools for eliciting landscape knowledge and perspectives: introducing and evaluating the Wisconsin Geotools Project. J.Coastal Conservation.
Eanes, F. P.Robinson, J.Silbernagel. 2018. Effects of scale and the biophysical environment on sense of place in northeastern Wisconsin’s bioregions. Human Ecology Review.
Eanes, F., J.Silbernagel, et al. in revision. Interactive Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives for Landscape Conservation and Public Engagement. Landscape Journal.
Gocmen, A., J.Silbernagel, D.Drake, N.Balster, A.Thompson, A.Wells, K.Nixon. in revision. Are All Conservation Subdivision the Same? A Comparative Assessment of Conservation Subdivision Landscape Structures. Landscape & Urban Planning. Landscape Journal.
Senner, P., J.Barzen, J.Silbernagel. publish. Changes in Avian Community Composition at a Restored Floodplain Grassland in the Mekong Delta. Waterbirds.
Sullender, B., J.Barzen, and J.Silbernagel. in revision. Effects of Seasonal Hydrological Connectivity on Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) Foraging Ecology. Avian Research
Sullender, B., J.Barzen, and J.Silbernagel. 2016. Foraging Success and Habitat Selection of the Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) at Poyang Lake, China. Waterbirds 39(4):356-364. doi: 10.1675/063.039.0405.
Price, J., Silbernagel, J. Nixon, K., Swearingen, A., Swaty, R. and N.Miller. 2015. Collaborative scenario modeling reveals potential advantages of blending strategies to achieve conservation goals in a working forest landscape. Landscape Ecology doi:10.1007/s10980-015-0321-2
Swearingen, A.,Price, J., Silbernagel, J., Swaty, R., and N. Miller. 2015. State-and-transition simulation modeling to compare outcomes of alternative management scenarios under two natural disturbance regimes in a forested landscape in northeastern Wisconsin, USA. AIMS Environmental Science, 2(3): 737-763. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2015.3.737
Silbernagel, J., Host, G., Hagley, C., Fortner, R., Axler, R., Danz, N. Hart, D., Axler, M., and A.Drewes. 2015. Linking place-based science to people through spatial narratives of coastal stewardship. Journal of Coastal Conservation, April. doi:10.1007/s11852-015-0380-1.
Burgi, M., Silbernagel, J., Wu, J., Keinast, F. 2014. Linking ecosystem services with landscape history. Landscape Ecology, 30(1):11-20.doi: 10.1007/s10980-014-0102-3
Nixon, K. J.Silbernagel, J.Price, N.Miller, and R.Swaty. 2014. Habitat availability for multiple avian species under modeled alternative conservation strategies for the Two Hearted River Watershed in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, USA. Journal of Nature Conservation, 22(4) August:302-317, doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2014.02.005
Thostenson, K. 2014. Stakeholder experiences in collaborative learning (Unpublished white paper). University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. pdf
Smith, V., R.B. Greene, and J. Silbernagel. 2013. The social and spatial dynamics of community food production: a landscape approach to policy and program development. Landscape Ecology. doi:10.1007/s10980-013-9891-z. PDF
Drewes, A. and J. Silbernagel. 2012. Defining the spatial dynamics of wild rice landscapes for community-based conservation.Ecological Modeling. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.09.015. PDF
Price, J., J. Silbernagel, N.Miller, R.Swaty, M.White, K.Nixon. 2012. Eliciting expert knowledge to inform landscape modeling of conservation scenarios. Ecological Modeling, PDF
Silbernagel, J., J. Price, R. Swaty, and N. Miller. 2011. The Next Frontier: Assessing Forest Conservation Strategy Effectiveness. In: Landscape Ecology and Forest Management: Challenges and Solutions in a Changing Globe, (ed.s Chao Li, R. Lafortezza, & J. Chen), Springer. PDF
Natori,Y., J.Silbernagel and M.S.Adams 2011. Biodiversity Conservation Planning in Rural Landscapes in Japan: Integration of Ecological and Visual Perspectives. In: Research in Biodiversity – Models and Applications, (Ed. Igor Ya.Pavlinov), ISBN: 978-953-307-794-9, InTech, Available from:
Silbernagel, J., J.Chen, B.Song, and A.Noormets. 2006. Conducting sound ecological studies at the Landscape Scale: Research Challenges. In Ecology of Hierarchical Landscapes: From Theory to Application, New York, Nova Science Publishers Inc., 333pp. ISBN=1-60021-047-3. PDF
Silbernagel, J. 2005. Bio-regional patterns and spatial narratives for integrated landscape research and design. In: Tress, B., Tress, G., Fry, G., Opdam, P. (eds.). From Landscape Research to Landscape Planning: Aspects of Integration, Education, and Application. Wageningen UR Frontis Series, Volume 12. Springer: Dordrecht, Berlin, Heidelberg. approx. 440 pp. PDF
Drewes, A. and J. Silbernagel. 2005. Setting up an integrative research approach for sustaining wild rice (Zizania palustris) in the Upper Great Lakes Region of North America. In: Tress, B., Tress, G., Fry, G., Opdam, P. (eds.). From Landscape Research to Landscape Planning: Aspects of Integration, Education, and Application. Wageningen UR Frontis Series, Volume 12. Springer: Dordrecht, Berlin, Heidelberg. approx. 440 pp.
Silbernagel, J. and W.G. Hendrix. 2004. Sunburn on the vineyard: Terroir and the sustainability of juice grapes in an arid climate. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 1(2):89-94. PDF
Silbernagel, J. 2003. Spatial theory in early conservation design: Examples from Aldo Leopold’s work. Landscape Ecology. Landscape Ecology 18:635-646.PDF
Thomas, M.M. and J.M. Silbernagel. 2003. The Evolution of a Maple Sugaring Landscape on Lake Superior’s Grand Island. Michigan Academician 35(2):135-158. PDF
Silbernagel, B. and J. Silbernagel. 2003. Tracking Aldo Leopold through Riley’s farmland. Wisconsin Magazine of History. (Summer). PDF
Johnson, B., R. Coulson, E. Fife, K. Hay, M. Hostetler, M.C. Rossiter-Hunter, A. Mills, F. Ndubisi, P.S. Richardson, & J. Silbernagel. 2001. The Nature of Dialogue and the Dialogue of Nature: Designers and Ecologists in Collaboration in Ecology and Design: Frameworks for Learning. Island Press
Selected projects
Silbernagel, J., L. Yang, W. Xu. 2009. Strategies for landscape recovery and Giant Panda conservation in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake region, PR China. Paper for Society for Conservation Biology meeting, Beijing, July.
Green Wallscape. 2005-06. A transdisciplinary project for an urban site in downtown Madison in collaboration with UW Artist/Sculptor Gail Simpson and the Madison Environmental Group.
The Landscape Tapestry of Cultivation in Wisconsin’s Lake Superior Region. 2002-05 – An exhibit for the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center, Ashland, WI. Funded by the Wisconsin Humanities Council.
Broken Hardscape: Site-integrated Sculptural Rain Gardens for Valencia Lofts, Middleton. 2002-03. A collaborative design and installation with UW Artist/Sculptor Gail Simpson.