Studies in Great Lakes Forest and Wetland Landscapes
Forest Conservation Scenarios, WI & MI, USA
Spatial Narratives of the St. Louis River Estuary, WI-MN, USA
Crane and Waterbird Conservation in Asia
Dynamics of Hydrology, Waterbirds, and People at Poyang Lake, Jiangxi China
Effects of Hydrological Management on Bird Communities at Tram Chim National Park, VietNam
Black-necked Crane Habitat and Conservation at CaoHai Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China
Crane Powerline Collision Risk Assessment, WI, USA
Landscape Recovery of Sichuan Earthquake Region, China
Leopold, Parks, and Neighborhoods Scholarship
MOOC: Perceptive Hunting, Aldo Leopold, and Conservation: Leopold-Riley Game Cooperative, WI, USA.
Landscape Gradients and Habitat Connectivity of Conservation Subdivisions, Waukesha County, WI
Planning and Design of National Parks: Applying America’s National Park model to a new park system in ChinaUrban Agricultural Assessments – Madison Region, WI, USA