Welcome to our graduate research group!
Collectively collaborators and students in the Landscape Conservation Lab have been interested in the conservation, design and adaptation of landscapes and regions in a changing environment. We have combined conservation science with geospatial analyses, scenario modeling and citizen engagement approaches to inform innovative conservation strategies and design. In particular, we have been leaders in developing Spatial Narrative approaches and Geodesign tools. Our focal areas of interest have included:
- International crane conservation (Grus spp) in Wisconsin and Asia
- Great Lakes forest landscape scenarios
- Place-based learning and stewardship in coastal communities
- Bioregional landscapes & ecosystem services (e.g.: pollinator foraging, wild rice harvesting, maple sugaring)
- Cooperative conservation models: Leopold-Riley Game Cooperative
I am not currently taking new students in the Landscape Conservation Lab. However, if you are interested in learning more, please inquire by: