Course Description:
This course explores the geodesign concepts and analysis methods that support regional sustainability and resiliency. The lecture portion of this course will explore the following a broad range of topics. A brief history and development of the sustainability and resiliency movements establishes context, motivation and priorities for Geodesign. Characteristics of public participation frame the role of geodesign to engage and empower the community to plan for sustainability and resiliency. Discovery of issues, spatial data, and analyses follows a conceptual and geographical trend from local to global scales as well as urban to rural localities. These trends include population density, land cover change, urban growth/sprawl, transportation, walkable neighborhoods, water resources, green infrastructure, landscape prioritization, carbon footprint analysis, and climate change. Geodesign approaches include measurement of indicators/metrics, resource management, cost/benefit analyses,and proximity measurements. Experience with these methods and data resources takes place in weekly exercises throughout the semester. We will apply these topics in studio by engaging in a community-based project. For more information about this course, you can visit or contact Travis Flohr at
(Information provided by Travis Flohr from
Student Work Examples:
Monroe Street Festival
Sustainability and Resiliency for Whom