LA 211: Landscape Inventory and Evaluation Methods

Before we can design, plan, manage, or restore a site, we need to be able to read the landscape–to understand its current condition, as well as how it came to be that way. Land Arch 262 will introduce you to strategies and tools used to inventory and evaluate the spatial array of the physical (topography, microclimate), biological (plants, animals, soils), and human components (activities, experiences, uses) of a site as well as to how to use this information to solve land use problems, such as the design of a park or garden. 

You will learn how to obtain and evaluate information from existing sources as well as the site itself, and become familiar with ArcGIS, InDesign, and SketchUp, software programs used to display, analyze, evaluate, and communicate spatial information. 


  • Evelyn Howell
  • Doug Hadley

4 Credits

LA 211 is a requirement for the BSLA and BS degrees. 

It also can be taken for credit by other L&S majors, for whom it counts as an intermediate level natural science course.