Chapter 2 PDF text
2. Department Governance and Administration
2.1. Definition and Quorum
The department functions through UW-Madison Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP) 5.01 as “a group of faculty members recognized by the faculty and chancellor, and the Board of Regents, as dealing with a common field of knowledge or as having common or closely related scholarly interests.” Inaddition, we commit to governance consistent with our statements of department mission, vision, expectations for inclusion, diversity and collegiality, and our commitment to the PLA learning community. Quorum for Department meetings is a simple majority of faculty members in residence [not on leave (sabbatical or FMLA) at meeting time].
2.2. Members of the Department
2.2.1 Department Faculty
Members of the Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison are established in Section 1.02a of the Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP): “The university faculty consists of all persons who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor with at least a one-half time appointment in UW-Madison, or with a full-time appointment jointly between UW-Madison and UW-Extension.” Consistent with FPP 5.10 and 5.11, all members of the department’s faculty (including instructors with at least a 50% appointments) have the right to vote and participate in department governance including preference balloting for department chair.
2.2.2 Department Academic and University Staff
General policies and procedures for Academic Staff and University Staff positions at UW-Madison are governed by Academic Staff Policies and Procedures (ASPP) [] and through policies established by UW-Madison Office of Human Resources.
In the Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture, in accordance with FPP 5.10 (and FPP 5.22C), the department Executive Committee affirms that all academic staff are welcome to participate fully in department governance, including the right to participate in preference balloting for department chair. University staff will participate fully in department governance to the extent possible. Consistent with FPP 5.10 and 5.22C, this invitation must be renewed by the Executive Committee every three years. The most recent renewal was on August 28, 2017.
2.2.3 Students
Students enrolled in the department’s degree programs are members of the DPLA community. Undergraduate and graduate student representatives are invited to participate in department governance, including in committee service. Undergraduate and graduate students may determine their own representatives through their student organizations.
2.2.4 Affiliate faculty, adjunct faculty, visiting scholars, and honorary fellows Affiliate faculty
As outlined in FPP 5.13, “An affiliation allows a faculty member to be associated with a department without governance rights or a continuing departmental commitment. Affiliations may be granted to probationary and tenured faculty and only for fixed terms.”
Affiliate faculty may hold faculty, academic staff or similar positions in other campus units. Affiliate faculty terms are renewable every three years. New affiliate faculty should be sponsored by at least two members of the regular PLA faculty.
PLA should invite affiliate faculty to department events including student orientation meetings, departmental picnics and receptions, job talks for prospective faculty candidates, department seminar series, brownbag series and other related events. The PLA website will include affiliate faculty pictures and links to additional information. The Department Administrator will monitor affiliate faculty status for accuracy. Adjunct faculty
Those hired on a short-term basis into lead instructional roles for department courses will be considered adjunct faculty of the department. Adjunct faculty may have their pictures and brief
biographical information posted on the department website for a period of up to 5 years following completion of their most recent class. Visiting Scholars
From time to time, the department provides opportunities for visiting scholars in order to promote the exchange of research and teaching scholarship across universities. Visiting scholars must be sponsored by a current member of the Department Faculty and must be approved by the Department Chair, contingent upon available space and resources. Policies and Procedures for visiting scholar applications shall be made available on the department’s website. Honorary Fellows
As a separate category from visiting scholars, the department allows for honorary fellow appointments of individuals who are not employed by the university. Honorary fellows are expected to have their own funding and do not receive any financial support from the department. Appointments must be for fixed terms and may be renewed every three years. Honorary fellows are encouraged to participate in the life of the department, including student orientation meetings, departmental picnics and receptions, job talks for prospective faculty candidates, department seminar series, brownbag series and other related events. The PLA website may include pictures and links to additional information for honorary fellows. The Department Administrator will monitor status for accuracy. Honorary fellow appointments should be sponsored by at least two members of the regular PLA faculty and must be approved by the department’s executive committee.
2.3. Executive Committee
2.3.1 Membership, function, and quorum
The Executive Committee includes all tenured faculty members in the department and is led by the Department Chair.
Membership, Function, and Delegation of Authority for Departmental Executive Committees are specified in FPP 5.20, 5.21, and 5.22.
Quorum for Executive Committee meetings is a simple majority of Executive Committee members in residence [not on leave (sabbatical or FMLA) at meeting time].
2.3.2. Subcommittees of the Executive Committee Tenure Guidance Committees [unique for each assistant professor]
The Executive Committee forms a unique Tenure Guidance Committee for each assistant professor in the department. These committees provide overall guidance for successful completion of the probationary period. Guidance includes assisting with the preparation and assembly of materials required for the annual performance review. The Guidance Committee should meet with the probationary faculty member at least once each semester.
Each Tenure Guidance Committee includes 2-3 people, led by an assigned Mentor, and including at least one other faculty member with aligned interests and/or areas of expertise.
Committee responsibilities are further specified in FPP &.05(B), and within Section 5.1 of this document. Probationary Oversight Committee
The Probationary Oversight Committee, separate from an individual Tenure Guidance Committee, will provide formal oversight and review of each probationary faculty member. When there are multiple probationary appointments in the department, it is acceptable to appoint a single Oversight Committee for all probationary appointments. The Oversight Committee ensures that probationary faculty provide all materials necessary for the annual review. The Oversight Committee Chair ensures that a teaching observation is performed and documented at least once each semester the probationary faculty member teaches a campus course. The committee evaluation results in an annual performance review report to the Executive Committee, which is discussed and voted on at an Executive Committee meeting. The committee will function in accordance with Section 7.05(C), FPP.
The committee will include a minimum of 2 members of the Executive Committee; one member is designated as committee chair by the Department Chair. In the final year of an appointment, the Oversight Committee responsibilities are assumed by the Tenure Review Committee described within Section 5.1.3 of this document. Faculty Evaluation & Awards Committee
The committee shall provide annual assessment of performance by all individual faculty, conduct post-tenure reviews, and evaluate and recommend faculty awards as appropriate. The committee will consist of two or more members of the Executive Committee, with one member designated as committee chair.
2.4. Department Chair
The Department Chair is the administrative and academic head of the department, selected from among the department’s tenured faculty members under procedures outlined in FPP 5.30. Responsibilities are described in FPP 5.31. There is no fixed term of office for Department Chair, although a normal term is generally expected to be three to six consecutive years. Chairs are selected and continue to serve through an annual preference ballot conducted in accordance with FPP 5.30. In accordance with FPP 5.10, the Executive Committee extends to all academic staff the right to participate in preference balloting for department chair (this invitation is renewed every three years). The annual preference ballot in DPLA runs from February 15 – March 1 each year. Eligible faculty members who wish to be included on the ballot for Department Chair must declare their intention to the full Department no later than February 1 of each year. The Department Administrator conducts the preference balance and conveys results to the Dean of the College of Letters and Science no later than March 5 each year.
2.5. Standing Committees of the Department
The following are standing committees established by the Faculty of the Department. The Chair may also, as necessary, create special committees to conduct specific business of the Department that may arise from time to time. Committee assignments are made by the Department Chair in consultation with the Chair Advisory Committee.
2.5.1 Curriculum Committee
This committee will assess curricular needs and requirements for the department’s academic programs and ensure coordination and consistency across programs. It will also coordinate the scheduling of when courses are taught and maintain an overall three-year teaching plan. The committee will review appeals of decisions of the program committees.
The committee consists of: Committee Chair, at least one other faculty member, student representation (except for confidential [FERPA protected] student information), undergraduate and graduate coordinators as ex-officio members of the committee, and preferably some level of representation from the degree programs.
2.5.2 LUS Major Program Committee
The committee will have administrative authority for the department’s major in Landscape and Urban Studies. Committee responsibilities include recruitment, review and updating of curriculum, student awards, and responding to requests for substitutions and waivers.
This committee includes a committee chair and at least one other faculty member who teaches in the LUS Major program. The committee is supported by the Undergraduate student services coordinator.
2.5.3 BLA Program Committee
The committee has administrative authority for the accredited BLA (and BSLA) program. The committee responsibilities include relevant admissions issues, ensuring curriculum meets accreditation standards, student awards, and responding to requests for substitutions and waivers.
This committee includes a committee chair and at least one other member of the faculty who teaches in the BLA program. The committee is supported by the undergraduate student services coordinator, and its Chair must meet the LAAB accreditation standards for the BLA degree program.
2.5.4 MSLA Program Committee
Committee responsibilities include recruitment, admissions, review and updating of program curriculum, waiving requirements, student awards, approving substitutions, and other matters for the MSLA degree program. Additional responsibilities outlined in MSLA program handbook.
This committee includes a committee Chair plus at least one other faculty member from the MSLA program. The committee is supported by the graduate student services coordinator.
2.5.5 MS URPL Program Committee
Committee responsibilities include recruitment admissions, ensuring the program meets accreditation standards, waiving requirements, student awards, approving substitutions, and other matters for the MS URPL degree program. Additional responsibilities outlined in MS URPL program handbook.
This committee includes a committee Chair plus at least one other faculty member from the accredited MS URPL program. The committee is supported by the graduate student services coordinator. The Chair must meet the accreditation standards for the MS URPL degree, and this committee serves as the administrative authority for the accredited MS URPL Program.
2.5.6 PhD Program Committee
The Committee is fully responsible for administering the PhD program, including: screening applicants, identifying academic sponsors and admitting new students; administering the preliminary examinations; keeping track of all information on doctoral students; hearing requests for policy exceptions; monitoring the content and requirements of the department’s PhD program and recommending modifications when appropriate; hearing grievances and reporting to the full faculty on such cases; and administering the department’s PhD minor.
The PhD Program Committee will consist of at least two faculty members appointed by the Department Chair. The committee will receive support from the graduate student services coordinator.
2.5.7 Committee on Climate and Community
This committee is responsible for coordinating discussions, activities, and policies to ensure the department establishes and maintains a diverse, inclusive, vibrant, and excellent learning and work environment for all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and others who partner with it. The scope of committee activities will include: oversee implementation of annual climate surveys for students and for faculty/staff; review of department inclusion and equity issues (such as participation in governance) issues; help to identify professional development opportunities; help recognize and quickly respond to emerging concerns about climate and community throughout the year.
The committee consists of a committee chair or co-chairs, at least one faculty member teaching in the BLA program, at least one faculty member teaching in the MSURPL program, at least one student member from each student association, and additional members as determined by the committee chair(s).
2.5.8 Additional Standing Committees Headed by the Department Chair Communication and Outreach Committee
The committee is responsible for coordinating the department’s extension, outreach, and public relations activities. Additional responsibilities coordinating social media presence, producing newsletters and alumni communications, helping programs with marketing and recruitment, and promoting department activities and events.
The committee is led by the department chair and includes the student services coordinators, at least one student, and other members as appointed by the chair. Facilities and IT Committee
The committee is responsible for recommending policies and priorities related to maintenance and improvement of the facility and for policy and procedures regarding the use of IT and computer resources within the department. This shall include developing policies regarding usage of the computer labs by students and others and may include periodic recommendations for IT resources to meet department needs. FAIT Committee also works with other committees to arrange updates to building artwork and displays, display cases, and bulletin boards.
The committee is led by the department chair and includes one member with an instructional appointment, one student member, the Department Administrator, and the IT specialist. Chair Advisory Committee
The purpose of the committee is to advise the Chair on department matters and assist with transition to the new departmental structure. Until Academic Year 2020-21, and thereafter at the discretion of the Chair, the committee will include the Department Chair, the Chair of BLA Program Committee, the Chair of the MS URPL Program Committee, one additional Former chair from LA, and one additional Former chair from URPL.
2.5.9 Other Governance Roles:
Faculty Senator and alternate: DPLA is the sole department in District 22 for the UW Madison Faculty Senate, and we have two Faculty Senators. Consistent with FPP 2.04, Senators are elected from department faculty for a 3-year term; each elected Senator selects their Alternate each year of their term. DPLA senators also serve by default on the College of Letters and Science Faculty Senate. Updates on Senators and Alternates are reported to the Secretary of the Faculty by the Department Chair.
Student association liaisons: Each student association is assigned a faculty liaison to enhance communication between the students and members of the faculty. The faculty liaison provides advice and consultation to students and helps to communicate with students about departmental matters. By default, the Chair of the MS URPL Program Committee is faculty liaison to WSPA, and the Chair of the BLA Program Committee is faculty liaison to the ASLA student chapter.