The PhD is a research degree. The program’s graduates have gone on to academic positions in the U.S. and abroad, as well as taking research posts with public sector agencies in the U.S. and overseas and in private consulting. Recent graduates can be found across the world working in a variety of research positions with an equally widely varying array of institutions.
Over fifty-five students have received PhDs from the department (see our list of PhD alumni here), with about fifteen students currently enrolled in the program. Generally students spend two years doing full-time course work before being advanced to candidacy, and an additional two to three years in preparation and defense of a dissertation. The University’s requirements for the PhD. which govern departmental policy are detailed in the Graduate School’s Policies and Procedures. A summary of the department’s requirements are outlined below; details are available in the URPL’s PhD Program Policies and Procedures.
PhD Funding Opportunities
Several opportunities exist for funding doctoral studies in Urban and Regional Planning at the UW–Madison. In addition to funding opportunities through the Graduate School, the Department administers targeting funds for doctoral study. One such opportunity exists specifically for PhD dissertators and provides up to $5,000 for successful applicants. Dissertators in applying for the URPL Dissertation Excellence Fellowship should follow guidelines found here