The MS URPL core curriculum includes a planning workshop to provide graduate students with training in planning practice. The planning workshop, as well as other studio-format courses, serve an outreach function by connecting communities across Wisconsin with the university to address applied planning problems.
- Reimagining the Unimaginable: Pheasant Branch Flooding (2019)
- Economic Development Guidebook for Pepin County (2019)
- Water Street Visioning Project Presentation (2017)
- City of Monona Strategic Housing Plan Update (2016)
- City of Monona Safe Routes to School Final Report (2016)
- Fitchburg Agricultural Route Concept Analysis (2015)
- Vision for Economic Development in Marathon County (2014)
- Freeport, IL Revitalization Project (2013, missing link)
- Renewable Energy Economic Opportunity Assessment Report (2012)
- Renewable Energy Economic Opportunity Assessment Poster (2012)
- Assessing the Renewable Energy Opportunity in Southwest Wisconsin Report (2011)
- Assessing the Renewable Energy Opportunity in Southwest Wisconsin Final Presentation (2011)
The 2005 Fall Workshop included two separate projects – one dealing with open space and land use planning in Jefferson County and the other dealing with recreation planning in Superior. Follow the links below to read more about each individual project.
- Jefferson County
- Parks, Recreation and Open Space Planning in Jefferson County: Socio-economic and Physical Design Elements
- Superior
- Recreation Planning for Whiteside Island and the Superior Municipal Forest: An Assessment of Economic and Fiscal Impacts
Spring 2004: EcoPlanIT Madison: An Ecological Blueprint for the City of Madison, WI (note: as of August 2015, currently down for construction)
Spring 2003: Developing a Model “Smart Code” for Dane County
Spring 2002: Dane County Planning Workshop Commuter Rail in Dane County: Analysis and Planning for Transit Oriented Development
Spring 2000: City of Lodi Planning Workshop: Lodi Vision 2025, and A Development Impact Assessment of a proposed development in Lodi
Spring 1999: Town of Verona Planning Workshop Development Impact Assessment
Spring 1998: Columbia County: County wide comprehensive and growth management planning
Spring 1998: Village of Twin Lakes: Comprehensive Planning