Study High-Speed Rail Stations in Spain and France This Summer… Deadline to apply: 1/30

Join this 12-night study-abroad class to study high-speed rail station planning and design in France and Spain! 

The class, which runs May 30 – June 12, 2025, is open to working professionals who have completed a four-year degree, as well as to university students.

 San Jose State University

URBP 280: High-Speed Rail Station Planning in France and Spain (3 units)

The itinerary starts with time in France learning about high-speed rail stations and their neighborhoods in Paris, Lyon, and Strasbourg, and then we’ll travel to Spain to learn about stations in Barcelona, Madrid, and Zaragoza. Our travel among these cities will, of course, take place on high-speed trains, so students will have plenty of opportunity to experience train travel as well as learning about how to create great train stations and station-area neighborhoods. Our days will include a mix of meetings with local experts and walking tours to explore stations and their neighborhoods.

More program details are available here.