1. Prepares and coordinates Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) functions, long range transportation planning, bike ped planning, transit planning, freight planning, travel demand forecasting (TransCAD), Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis, and performance based planning.
2. Develops and presents technical information to a wide variety of audiences as related to transportation planning.
3. Collects, analyzes, and interprets social and statistical data for various planning and area studies as related to transportation planning.
4. Prepares maps, charts, models, sketches, and other graphic and visual presentations to illustrate study findings.
5. Attends and conducts MPO planning meetings and responds to public inquiries in person, on the phone, or in writing.
6. Conducts research on transportation related legislation and policies.
7. Prepares summaries, narrative statements, and analyses of the pertinent technical facts reported in project studies.
8. Assists with research and data analysis for special projects.
9. Performs other related duties as required or directed.
Read the full article at: https://tn-shelbycounty.civicplushrms.com/careers/JobDetail.aspx?enc=QPQDKqwXNuJybHyCBjvzpw1Y+Ht0/RgckwoGYMs8f8RvKzOWjNURl1ibM8JhZ7/Z