Dane County Department of Human Services (DCDHS) is currently recruiting for CDBG/Home Administrative Specialist. The eligible list created from this recruitment may be used to fill future vacancies that occur within the next six (6) months.
Under general supervision of the HAA Human Services Manager for the CDBG/HOME Unit in the Division of Housing Access and Affordability (HAA), this position is primarily responsible for performing all functions necessary to ensure the programs funded under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) [Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) program, and the HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) program] are well-managed and in compliance with all federal, state and county rules, regulations and reporting requirements. The CDBG/Home Administrative Specialist will be primarily responsible for the administration of the Revolving Loan Fund to be in compliance. Duties include taking a lead role in staffing the Dane County CDBG Commission, and organizing and implementing systems processes including the annual (and any supplemental funding) CDBG and HOME grant allocation processes. The CDBG/Home Administrative Specialist will be primarily responsible for the development of the five-year Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), as well as the renewal process for the Dane County Urban County Consortium.
Assist with the administration and management of CDBG and HOME program functions, assist with processing and monitoring RLF loans, provide staff assistance to the Dane County CDBG Commission, and planning for the use of federal grant funds. Monitor the progress of programs and sub-recipients, and ensure compliance with funding rules. Manage program administration to meet all required rules and guidelines. Participate in and manage funding procurement/grant processes, maintain and develop stakeholder collaborations, and other duties as assigned.
Read the full article at: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/countyofdane/jobs/4017059/cdbg-home-administrative-specialist?pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs