City Planner – The City of Excelsior, Minnesota

The City Planner will work closely with a small team including the Community Development
Director, Assistant City Manager, and other staff to support a wide variety of planning, heritage
preservation, and zoning-related activities in the City. This position works directly with the public
and provides support for the review and issuance of building permit applications, zoning
applications, heritage preservation permit applications, assists with code enforcement, and
researches topics relevant to these areas. This position assists in staffing the Planning Commission
and Heritage Preservation Commission which involves writing staff reports, communicating with
applicants, and presenting at meetings. This position requires a self-starter and team player with
excellent communication, writing, and analytical skills

Read the full article at: file:///C:/Users/csoechtig/Downloads/4-%20City%20Planner%20Job%20Description%203.21.23%20(1).pdf