Land Use Code Project Assistant – Dane County, WI

50% FTE, 8-month Project Assistantship (PA) appointment to conduct an assessment of consistency between municipal land use codes and the Regional Development Framework for the Dane County region. The PA appointment includes tuition remission and a monthly stipend. The appointment is expected to begin May 1, 2023, and would continue through December 31, 2023.

Please direct any questions about the PA position to Steve Steinhoff

or to

To apply: Send your resume and cover letter to Majiedah Pasha, Department Administrator in Planning & Landscape Architecture at, by the end of the day on March 31, 2023.

RDF 2050 (

With oversight and guidance from CARPC staff, the Project Assistant will review land use codes from local units of government in Dane County for consistency with the Framework goals including:

  • Preparing a work program detailing the tasks, deliverables, and timeline of the project.
  • Researching similar code assessments, identifying ways that codes can hinder progress towards goals similar to those in the Framework, and producing a summary of the research.
  • Reviewing and analyzing local government land use codes for the provisions that support or hinder Framework goals.
  • Sharing and discussing findings, reports, and recommendations with the Proactive Planning Committee and other local bodies.
  • Preparing recommendations for changes to local land use codes to increase local government capacity to implement the Framework.
  • Preparing a report on the assessment of local land use codes and recommendations for changes.


The process involves a significant amount of outreach and contact with county and local government representatives, stakeholder groups, and members of the public.