We are seeking a dependable research assistant with strong technical skills, good communication skills, and an interest in sustainable and equitable transportation to support staff and researchers at the State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI), a project of COWS. The RA will work mainly on a project for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in collaboration with UC-Davis, gaining valuable real-world experience.
The focus of this project is to develop and implement tools for measuring multimodal access to destinations using a platform called Conveyal and studying how access relates to the amount people drive (measured as vehicle miles traveled or VMT). The position will require using Conveyal, cleaning and merging large datasets, assisting with data analysis and results interpretation, reading and interpreting relevant literature, assisting in producing technical memos, and participating in meetings with partners.
The RA may also participate in regular staff meetings for SSTI, help create website content (i.e., blogs), and support other small projects. Familiarity with the basic principles of multimodal transportation and accessibility are preferred. The ability to work with team members in a professional environment and deliver high quality products in a timely manner is required. The research is highly applied in nature, with direct implications for decision-making procedures among government agencies. Research staff will work closely with the RA and provide appropriate training and mentorship as needed. Ongoing work opportunities may be available.
Interested applicants may send the following materials to Chris McCahill, the managing director of SSTI, or reach out with questions. Email: mccahill@ssti.us Phone: 608-262-7797
Read the full article at: file:///C:/Users/ccsoe/Downloads/Job_503510%20(1).pdf