Movin’ Out, Inc. is seeking a full-time Real Estate Development Associate to join our Madison-based team. Apply via Indeed by June 14, 2021. For best consideration, apply as soon as possible. Movin’ Out is a 26-year old, statewide nonprofit organization that partners with people with disabilities, their families, and their allies, to create and sustain community-integrated, safe, affordable homes. We offer information, advice, referrals, and resources for home ownership, home repair for safety and accessibility, or rental housing for households with low to moderate incomes. Movin’ Out also develops new multi-family housing with most units affordable for low- to moderate-income households, and coordinates services for residents of our supportive units. We primarily serve income-qualified households that include a person who has a permanent disability of any kind, whether intellectual, physical, or mental health. We are seeking a Real Estate Development Associate who helps to create inclusive, safe, affordable housing by providing administrative and technical support on all aspects of real estate development projects from early conception through completion.
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