Regional Planning in Wisconsin: New contexts and new strategies

The UW-Madison Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture in association with the UWM Department of Urban Planning invite you to join us virtually for the April Innovative Cities Lecture Thursday, April 8th from 12:00-1:20pm on Microsoft Teams. The streaming link is below and posted on UWM’s and UW-Madison’s department pages. AICP Certification Maintenance credit will be applied for. A one-hour lecture equals one credit. Credit can be earned from watching the lecture live or the recorded version posted after. This month:

Regional Planning in Wisconsin: New contexts and new strategies

Lecture given by a panel of leaders in Wisconsin regional planning including:

Kevin Muhs, Executive Director, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

Lynn Nelson, Executive Director, West Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

Bill Schaefer, Planning Manager, Greater Madison MPO

Panel moderated by:

Carey McAndrews, Associate Professor, UW-Madison Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture

Please join us for a discussion with leaders of regional planning in the State of Wisconsin. In the last 12 months, cities and regions across Wisconsin have experienced great challenges, which created new contexts for regional planning. Specifically, improving public health, enhancing social justice, combating climate change, and engaging civic discourse all require regional-level dialogue and coordination. As a result, regional planning agencies across the State have adopted innovative strategies to address these challenges.

This lecture is free to attend and does not require any registration.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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If you have questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out directly at