Stephen Graham, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University (UK)

The Vertical Secession of the Elites:  Understanding Urban Polarisation in Three Dimensions

On Thursday, February 18 at noon, the Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture along with the Department of Geography and the Havens Wright Center for Social Justice are co-sponsoring a lecture by Stephen Graham, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University (UK).

Register for the event here.

Stephen Graham is a scholar of cities and urban life. He is Professor of Cities and Society at Newcastle University’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape. Prof. Graham’s research and writings explore how cities and urban life are being altered through transformations of infrastructure, mobility, digital media and surveillance. His more recent work addresses the politics of urban security and the growing vertical reach of cities. Prof. Graham’s books include Splintering Urbanism and Telecommunications and the City (both with Simon Marvin); The Cybercities Reader; Cities, War and Terrorism; and Disrupted Cities: When Infrastructure Fails. Prof Graham’s  2011 book Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism was nominated for the Orwell Prize in political writing and was a Guardian book of the year. His most recent book, Vertical: The City From Satellites to Bunkers, was published by Verso in 2016. Prof. Graham is a Fellow of the British Academy.