Planner I (Entry-Level) – Shreveport-Caddo Metropolitan Planning Commissiom

Background and General Information

The Shreveport-Caddo Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) is seeking to fill the position of Planner I. The MPC is an independent agency established by Louisiana State Statute to manage the orderly development of the City of Shreveport and a defined area outside the city limits of Shreveport. The agency is governed by a nine member citizen board comprised of appointees of the local governing bodies. The board delegates the authority for all planning and enforcement operations of the organization to an Executive Director.

The agency is located within the third largest city of the State of Louisiana. Our planning efforts are guided by an award winning master plan that provides a framework for becoming a sustainable community with choices for living, working, and growing.

In 2017 both the City of Shreveport and Parish (County) of Caddo adopted Unified Development Codes that replaced existing ordinances originally adopted in the 1950s.

Read the full description and apply here