TA Positions in Biocore

Spring 2020 TA Positions in Biocore

The Biology Core Curriculum is now accepting applications from graduate students who are interested in lecture or laboratory teaching assistantships in Cellular Biology (Biocore 383/384) or lecture teaching assistantships in Biological Interactions (Biocore 587) for Spring Semester 2020. Appointments may be from 33.4% to 50% of full time, depending on the candidate’s other appointments and the number of discussion sections or labs taught. Candidates interested in Biocore 383/384 or Biocore 587 should have strong backgrounds in biochemistry, cellular biology and molecular genetics.

Further information and application forms can be obtained from:

Dr. Janet Batzli, 363 Noland Hall, 263-1594

Dr. Michelle Harris, 307 Noland Hall, 262-7363

You may also contact the Biocore Office, 345 Noland Hall, 265-2870 or check our web page at http://biocore.wisc.edu.

Application forms are available from the Biology Core Curriculum office, 345 Noland Hall (265-2870), or you can download the application from our website. I have also attached an application to this email for your convenience. Deadline for submitting applications to carol.borcherding@wisc.edu is Thursday, November 7, 2019.