This fellowship was established in 1986 to encourage and support research and publication on the art and architecture of the United States Capitol complex. It is funded by the United States Capitol Historical Society and jointly administered by the Architect of the Capitol. Fellows often share their knowledge through U.S. Capitol Historical Society lecture series and publications.
Graduate students enrolled in a degree program in art or architectural history, American history, or American studies and scholars with a proven record of research and publication may apply.
The proposed topic must directly relate to some elements of art, architecture, or landscape within the United States Capitol complex: the Capitol, the congressional office buildings, the Library of Congress buildings, the Supreme Court building, and the Botanic Garden. It may include studies of individual artists, architects, or other historical figures and forces. The research must draw on the resources of the Architect of the Capitol, including the architectural drawings, manuscripts, and reference collections, or material in the Library of Congress, National Archives, or other specific collections identified in the applicant’s proposal.
Applications will be judged on the qualifications of the applicant, the significance of the topic, the degree of need for the proposed research, the feasibility of the research plan, and the likelihood that the research will lead to publication. The selection committee will be composed of the Curator for the Architect of the Capitol, the Chief Historian of the United States Capitol Historical Society, and a third expert. The final selection will be approved by the President of the United States Capitol Historical Society and the Architect of the Capitol.
A brief report of accomplishments must be submitted to the Architect of the Capitol and to the United States Capitol Historical Society at the end of the fellowship period. Two copies of the final written paper and any resulting publications must also be submitted. Fellows may be asked to present a talk on their research.
~ A curriculum vitae
~ Transcripts of graduate work (as appropriate)
~ Two supporting letters (one from a graduate advisor where applicable)
~ Dates for which the fellowship is requested, with estimated time period for each phase of the proposed research
~ List of expected sources of income during the proposed period
~ Research proposal (maximum 5 pages) justifying the importance of the topic to understanding the history of the art and architecture of the Capitol and detailing the relevant resources to be used in the records of the Architect of the Capitol, National Archives, Library of Congress, etc.
Applications must be postmarked by March 15. (Letters of recommendation may arrive later but will be needed by the end of March for the evaluation process.) Applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision by May 15. The fellowship year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31.
USCHS Fellowship Application c/o William C. diGiacomantonio United States Capitol Historical Society 200 Maryland Avenue, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002
William C. diGiacomantonio Chief Historian United States Capitol Historical Society
Dr. Michele Cohen, Curator, Architect of the Capitol (202) 228-1222
Depending upon the scope of the proposal, the fellowship may be requested for a minimum of one month and a maximum of one year. The amount of the fellowship has been increased to $2,500 per month, up to a maximum of $30,000 for a full year. Each year, up to the $30,000 total may be given to one project or may be divided, depending upon the quality and scope of the applications received. It is expected that full time will be devoted to research during the tenure of the fellowship. Limited support services, including photocopying, will be provided by the Curator’s Office of the Architect of the Capitol. Travel and research expenses are to be covered by the monthly stipend. Fellows are responsible for arranging their own housing and transportation.
Please direct further questions to:
Dr. Michele Cohen, Curator, Architect of the Capitol (202) 228-1222