Meet the New Student Assistants

You may have seen Rachel and Julia in Music Hall or Agriculture Hall before. Aside from being recent Department hirees, both are also undergraduates within the Department! Learn more about what led them to their academic interests, as well as more about their personal interests,  in the Q + A below.


Name: Rachel Nicolaison

Title: Student Assistant for the Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture

Hometown: Parkland, FL

Educational / Professional Background: Currently a junior in the BLA program

How did you get into your area of interest? I have always had a passion for art and nature, and I ended up watching a show with a female architect and never thought of that as an option until then. As I was looking into architecture programs at UW-Madison I discovered landscape architecture and could not think of a better combination of my interests.

What attracted you to UW-Madison? I grew up in South Florida, so I was yearning for a change of scenery. I have family here in Madison, so I would visit every summer growing up and knew from a very young age I wanted to come here.

Which common phrase or saying best describes you? I like big hikes and I cannot lie.

What is one thing others around you should know about you? One of my passions in landscape architecture is the educational value of landscapes to inform visitors, and particularly our youth, about our field and their environment.

Favorite Artist / TV show / Book / Movie you’ve experienced within this past year? I have been really into podcasts this year, so my favorite one is 99% Invisible, which is focused on design and architecture! I highly recommend it.



Name: Julia Radomski

Title: Administrative Intern

Hometown: Milwaukee, WI

Educational / Professional Background: I went to an IB high school in Milwaukee and went through the grueling process of taking IB exams. I currently plan to graduate with the new dual degree with URPL and LA: Landscape Architecture and Urban Studies. In addition, I plan to receive two certificates in Environmental Studies and Development Economics. I also previously worked for Allen Centennial Garden on campus as a horticulture intern for two years. I was given the opportunity to work on anything I set my mind to and now you can see my designs today like the Idea Garden, Dwarf Conifer Garden, and pond hydro flora design.

How did you get into your area of interest? Growing up in Milwaukee, my dad and I would garden together all the time. We would plant fruit trees, evergreens, and flowers, and constantly be rearranging the backyard. My dad and I would also take day trips around Milwaukee to explore brownfield sites, city parks, and new developments. My dad was, and continues to be the inspiration for my passion in landscape architecture and urban planning.

What attracted you to UW-Madison? When touring the university, I had this feeling in my chest that I could call this place home. I was also attracted to the numerous opportunities the university offered like student orgs, research grants, and a wide variety of majors.

Which common phrase or saying best describes you? “Less is not more. More is more!”

What is one thing others around you should know about you?  I own the most adorable Icelandic Sheepdog named Teddy. I am also traveling to Japan this May so if you have any suggestions on places I need to see, let me know!

Favorite Artist / TV show / Book / Movie you’ve experienced within this past year?  TV show: Star Trek The Next Generation, Movie: The Young Girls of Rochefort