The semester may be coming to a close, but the URPL trophy tradition continues! This week we are excited to highlight URPL grad student, Kayla Wandsnider. The Wisconsin native shares a bit about her interests in urban and regional planning, her post-graduation plans, and where she’s off to this winter break. Read about all this and more, in the quick Q + A below!
Kayla Wandsnider
Name: Kayla Wandsnider
Hometown: Milwaukee
What are your research interests related to Urban and Regional Planning? Environmental sustainability and GIS
Where do you see yourself post-graduation? Anywhere I can get a job!
What is one city within the U.S you’d like to live in and why? Boise, ID. I’ve lived there before and loved it. It is close to the mountains, people are super friendly and outdoorsy.
What are you most looking forward to this upcoming winter break? Cross country skiing and a trip to Belize!