Steward of the Planet-Shawn Kelly featured in Landscape Architect magazine

Shawn Kelly, FASLA, was featured in the recent issue of the Landscape Architect and Specifier News magazine

This articles highlights his achievements from his career and teaching in Landscape Architecture. More importantly, the article highlights Kelly’s belief that the importance and impact of landscape architecture has never been more important than now. Landscape Architects can make a difference on a planet that is overstressed. The author of this article greatly captures Kelly’s vision for landscape architects and the field of landscape architecture for the future. 

The Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture would also like to again congratulate Shawn Kelly on being appointed as ASLA President. Kelly will be sworn in as ASLA president during the Presidents’ Dinner in Philadelphia, October 22, 2018. 

The article has been attached and you can also read the article online at the website. 

picture of the issue of Landscape Architect magazine