2018 WI-ASLA Scholarship Announcement!

The Wisconsin Chapter ASLA is pleased to announce an essay scholarship contest for current UW-Madison Landscape Architecture sophomore and junior students (2nd and 3rd year students enrolled in the program).

Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded: one to a current sophomore student and one current junior student enrolled in the UW-Landscape Architecture program. 

Essay Questions

Choose a project from your portfolio and answer the following questions: 

o What did you learn about the design process through this project?
o Why did you design your project the way you did — what was your process and rationale?
o How did your project protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public?
o What changes would you make to your design process for future projects? 

Essay Rules

Entry is limited to current sophomore and junior students enrolled in the UW-Madison Landscape Architecture program (2nd and 3rd year students enrolled in the program).

The scholarship will be awarded to the entrants who most clearly and concisely answer the essay questions above. Note that this is not a design competition — project graphics, while welcome, will be viewed in a supporting role to the essay.

Essays are limited to a maximum of 2 pages (single sided), 1.15 line spacing, size 10 Times New Roman font. Up to 10 supporting images may be included with the essay as separate attachments. Entrants must use the template provided— altering margins, font, or font size will result in disqualification.

Entrants must complete the essay assignment and submit their entries no later than 6:00 p.m. April 13th, 2018. Winners will be notified by April 16th and are asked to attend the Jensen Longenecker Banquet on April 20th to receive their award. 

o Finalized entries should be sent via Google Drive or Dropbox (or similar service) link to awards@wiasla.com
o (Do not send your entry as an email attachment or it could be blocked by our firewall)
o Name files in this format: lastname_firstname_wiasla_scholarship.PDF
o Provide an email address and phone number in case we need to contact you regarding your entry
o If you submit your essay and do not get a confirmation email by noon on April 14th, please call or email Bradlee Bertram to confirm its delivery (715.281.6825 | bbertram@flad.com)
o Any questions should be directed to awards@wiasla.com