Wisconsin Land Information Associations is Looking for Volunteers

The Wisconsin Land Information Association is looking for student volunteers to attend and assist with the Wisconsin Land Information Association’s 2018 Annual Conference, which is being held March 7-9 at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, WI. Students volunteering for a minimum of 3 hours will receive free, full-conference registration (excluding workshops)!  Students may work their hours over multiple days or within a single day in order to qualify for this benefit. 

Student Volunteer duties include poster registration and take down, working at the silent auction, assisting with audio/visual equipment, and working as room monitors to help turn on and off lights, pass out handouts, etc. Working as a student volunteer will give you exposure to professionals within GIS, Urban Planning, and Land Records fields. 

Jobs Board at WLIA: In addition to volunteering, there will also be a job board at the conference, so feel free to bring your resume. 

You can sign up to volunteer here at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c49ada82ea1f58-student2